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Coronavirus Crisis


The coronavirus crisis is placing new pressure on everyone up and down the country and all over the world. Find out how we can help employees today.


Employees & Pandemics 

The continuing coronavirus crisis is placing new pressure on everyone up and down the country and all over the world. As you continue to try to adapt to the new way of living it is good to know what help and support is out there for you.


Government Help For Employees?

While the government has pledged to help businesses and their employees throughout the continuing coronavirus crisis, it is an unfortunate reality that some companies will not be able to withstand the additional pressures placed upon them during this time even with this government intervention and that will result in Job losses.

1. Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

The government have stepped in and offered to cover 80% of an employee’s wages until the end of April 2021. It is hoped this will safeguard jobs while also ensuring companies are able to recommence trading when restrictions are lifted.

2. Self Employed Grants

The Government has handed out grants to those who are self employed with this scheme also being extended into 2021. These were first brought in during lockdown for people unable to work.

Legal Advice

Coronavirus impact on Job Losses

Coronavirus has already had an impact on job losses, The devastating impact of the pandemic on the jobs market was underlined by HMRC figures showing there were 820,000 fewer employees on company payrolls in November 2020 than in February 2020, before the pandemic struck. As we navigate our way through 2021 these Job losses are expected to increase once the government support ends and its key for everyone to know what their options are going forward.

If you have been effected by any of the above then contact our team today.

Get In Touch

James Lewis

07577 575 371


Myles Addison

07551 404 040


Protective Awards.com

With a wealth of experience dealing with all types of employee claims where a company insolvency has occurred, we offer free, professional advice to employees of insolvent companies who are unsure what their options are.

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